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09/04/2024 11:00 | Anonymous member (Administrator)



Experiential Workshop Assisted by Horse Presence and Wisdom

Sunday May 12h 2024 Castlefergus Quinn Co Clare Ireland

Fee: Euro 200.00

Helpfulness is a beautiful human quality, and helping in a professional way is a special Art. People often feel drawn to work with others and to help them in a special way. This pull can come from a deep love and loyalty that stems from within our own family system, our own herd.

To help in a healthy way, it is important to be able to understand what it is that has drawn us into our chosen profession and to be curious about what it is our hearts are longing for.

The ground-breaking work of Bert Hellinger, coming from his training in psychoanalysis to his systemic family therapy allows us to see ourselves through a lens which brings to light our connections, loyalties and bonds, conscious and unconscious, across the generations.

The methodology of 'the constellation' uses human representatives to represent family members, issues or internal parts of ourselves. We use this lens and we include the presence and wisdom of the horses as they represent the family field. 

Clearing our own 'field' allows us to work with clarity around our role as ”helpers” This serves as a protection for the people we work with and avoids burnout for ourselves In order to give in a healthy way, we must first be able to receive in a healthy way. Then we may no longer project our unconscious entanglements, our early unmet needs on to our co-workers and clients.

When we can experience being separate and connected, then we ourselves, and those we work with, become freer to move and heal in a healthy way. Helping at this level is 'a high art'.

These innovative workshops are offered to people who work with others. We use a team approach. The facilitating team consists of an equine specialist, mental health professionals and most importantly 'the horses'. All activities take place on the ground and you need no previous experience with horses to participate.

The structure of the day is based on Bert Hellinger's work on 'The high art of helping' and the three basic systemic principles of relationship: Belonging, Reciprocity and Order: things being in their right place.

In these, one day workshops we prepare to enter 'another's' field, (the others we work with). Participants are invited to come into a deeper awareness of themselves within their family field, their family herd. You are invited to come with an open heart and a respectful willingness to explore how the need to belong has shaped you. These workshops often facilitate a very deep inner movement whereby things come to the surface and into awareness in a healing and gentle way.

When we work in the presence of horses, observing their behaviour and at the same time being aware of what happens inside us as we allow ourselves to become attuned to them, we find that they can teach us to be present to our true selves, mindfully in alignment, separate and connected.

Horses are such authentic representatives and they offer us clarity in an extraordinary way when we are present and open to their wisdom. As we enter the energetic field of the horse we can deepen our capacity for a transformational process in a truly profound way.

For further information and booking:

Colette Green, MA MIAHIP. Tel: 086 826 7687
colettegreen1@yahoo.ie / www.ochre.ie 

Deirdre Kennedy, BA Iopt. Tel: 087 293 2120
info@dkcraniosacral.com / www.dkcraniosacral.com

The Irish Association of Humanistic
& Integrative Psychotherapy (IAHIP) CLG.

Cumann na hÉireann um Shíciteiripe Dhaonnachaíoch agus Chomhtháiteach

9.00am - 5.30pm Mon - Fri
+353 (0) 1 284 1665

email: admin@iahip.org

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