by Simona Tudor
The path was laden with truths
I had arrived at light eons before
Yet which were hidden just beneath the surface
Of an ever-transforming consciousness.
The vast sea was serene,
Nakedness surrounding the different shades
Of a luminous sky
Which stood still.
The stillness, in turn, surrounded my soul,
And feasted on emptiness;
A void filled with sacredness
In a body of love.
Pregnant with humanity,
Through the portal of space and of time,
The gods were delivering me
Into the field of the unspoken,
Unknowingly breathing the love of Creation.
I started gazing into the eyes of another,
Hoping to discover my divine essence;
My divine essence smiled back at me,
Then turned me toward the gooeyness of existence.
Your eyes contained your pain,
Your fears and your hopes,
And your energy was touched by the sparkle of solitude.
My eyes contained your pain.
Your eyes contained my pain,
My fears and my hopes,
And in the energy between us
Our senses opened for togetherness.
IAHIP 2023 - INSIDE OUT 101- Autumn 2023