The Form ~ Shadow Self ~ Qi Gong Meditation
Arise and fly about in the garden of light
In never ending patterns of beauty and song.
Succumb to the desire of advancement
and seek the celebration of the form.
My, how it offers itself to the strokes of the sun
In anticipation of the yet undiscovered stars of the night!
In the toil we come to bear the fruit of our desires
And in the calm the haziness of past forgotten lives.
What a scene we need to hold and carry for awhile
Until the view integrates and filters through our loins.
Then and only then can we walk with shadow in tow
And fear not a sudden turnaround but invite it as akin.
Feet shoulder width apart, hands by my side,
Sacrum tucked, chest relaxed, spine straight and spirit raised.
Inhale, open hands and extend outwards and upwards towards the sky.
Exhale, relax and drop hands with palms facing inwards to the ‘Dan Tien’.
Rooted to Mother Earth, yet suspended from above by a golden thread,
Sinking energy, breathe and smile softly….
Francess Kenny-Denneny