Dear Editors,
Does anyone know the answer to the following question –
“After Statutory Regulation is complete will we – as IAHIP members – still be following the rationale in what we do as currently stated in the Code of Ethics?”
I include below a description of what we do which has served us since its original inclusion in the Code of Ethics many years ago. If it is to be changed or altered, we should have a say in such a change.
2. The Nature of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy
2.1 Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy emphasises that persons are self-regulating, self-actualising and self-transcendent beings, responsible for themselves; and whilst recog- nising the tragic dimensions of human existence, it emphasises the ability of persons to go beyond themselves and realise their nature more fully.
2.2 Its focus, then, is on individuals as organisms seeking to attain integration in the wholeness of body, feelings, intellect, psyche and spirit, and in relation to other people.
2.3 Since Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy is based on a phenomenological view of reality, its emphasis is on experience, and the nature of the therapeutic relationship is seen as meaningful contact between persons.
2.4 Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy acknowledges the validity of a variety of approaches to the individual. While accepting the contribution of many approaches, it is concerned with discovering and working with the essential elements of the functioning individual as these are understood and made sense of in a humanistic perspective. It is open to the exploration of the inter-relationship and inter-connection of theory and method in two or more approaches and may employ these as is judged appropriate, or it may attempt to integrate these as one organised and coherent approach.
2.5 The overall aim of humanistic and integrative psychotherapy is to provide an opportunity for the client to work towards living in a more satisfying and resourceful way. The term psychotherapy includes work with individuals and groups of people and the objectives of the work will vary according to the client’s needs. Psychotherapy may be concerned with developmental issues, developing personal insight and knowledge, working through feelings of inner conflict or improving relationships with others. The role of psychotherapy is to facilitate the client’s work in ways which respect the client’s values, personal resources and capacity for self-determination. The aim is to empower clients and encourage them to take control of their lives.
2.6 Only when both the therapist and the recipient explicitly agree to enter into a therapy relationship does it become ‘psychotherapy’.
2.7 Psychotherapy is a non-exploitative activity. Its basic values are integrity, impartiality and respect.
Yours sincerely,
Paddy Logan MIAHIP