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The Editorial Board of Inside Out in Conversation:

Mary: Welcome! The opening word of Inside Out in Spring 2003 remains our invitation to all readers today. In 2002, Angela Mc Carthy, Mary Arthurs and myself were asked to resurrect Inside Out, the IAHIP journal. Enthusiastic discussions led to Therese Gaynor, Shirley Ward and Bernadette Costello joining us as the Editorial Board and we launched our first issue. Creative therapies, working with cross-cultural clients and disorders of the Celtic tiger were among our initial themes. Our innovative back page, The Space… reviews, articles, conversations, advertisements and an editorial remain the structure of our journal. On A5 glossy paper, this informative and often challenging journal has been integral to the development of IAHIP during the past 10 years. Proposed electronic access to back issues of Inside Out is to be welcomed; this will complement its regular publication. As I now step off the Editorial Board, I thank all those who gave so generously of their time, their wisdom and their insight, and wish the Editorial Board all the best as they continue to hold the essence and spirit of our journal.

Shirley: My last ten years with Inside out has been an interesting journey – my main task either to connect with my international friends and colleagues for articles for Inside out readers or to interview those who were willing to participate. They were generous with their time and efforts to bring diversity, international knowledge and skills of our profession closer to home. Our thanks are due to our global friends for their generosity and may this interaction continue as Inside Out serves the membership for many years to come. They were keen to interact with our members, which was not always forthcoming – so hopefully in the future more of our readers will be willing to continue discussions and become more involved in important aspects of our work. Your thoughts and ideas are important for the continuing progress of our profession and for cultural understanding and sharing. Our journal brings us closer to many talented and skilled people – of whom we are all a part! Everyone’s contribution is all part of our working world so we look forward to hearing from you…….Happy Writing!

Thérèse: Being a member of the Editorial Board of Inside Out has been a gift, for the most part and as with all areas of my life, challenging be times! I have loved the many journeys the journal has taken me on over the years; in a broad context it’s brought me into relationship with fellow members of IAHIP and with international contributors through their writings; and in each opportunity of sitting in conversation with another I have felt utterly blessed in hearing the vitality, life, energy and passion of the individual(s) beyond the words shared. It is with a sense of pride that I move toward this 10th anniversary celebration of Inside Out, in the knowledge that in this moment I will have an opportunity to celebrate my fellow Editorial Board members, both past and present and to celebrate all of you who have given life to the journal from one issue to the next. And, we continue…

Ursula: I remember fondly my early days of meeting at night in the Mount Clare Hotel and doggedly and lovingly going through the text of each article, review, conversation and advertisement to ensure a type perfect journal reaching the reader. We did this with copious cups of coffee, water and tea and much collegial camaraderie and craic, now we email. I miss those times. Back then I developed a creative way of editing by reading the articles backwards, just so I could continue to enjoy the Journal when it dropped, deliciously, through my letterbox. At the time I had a real desire to see Inside Out come on-line and now it feels like its “coming of age” is upon us. I thank my colleagues Mary, Shirley, Thérèse, Sarah and Sylvia and say it has been and is a real joy working with and getting to know them all. I thank those who have left and I welcome those to come. I toast the Journal and its contributors that have made it what it is today – Cheers!

Sarah: What a lovely surprise for our 10th Anniversary that we have such a bumper bundle of a Journal! Most of it unsolicited, which leads me to think that people out there still like to write and be published in a modest way. As an avid reader I continue with my addiction to collect reading material (even with no shelves or wall space left to put them) because my inner dinosaur relishes the feel of covers, the smell of parchment, the jumble of clutter and… I still like to nod off turning a page…nodding off to a Kindle doesn’t feel quite the same…

Sylvia: I am delighted to be a member, albeit a recent one, learning the ropes on this creative editorial team. A journal is a precious item. My dictionary describes ‘journal’ using words such as register, record, transactions of an organisation. It has constancy. So Inside Out has become a piece of history: a chronicle of our profession here in Ireland. It tells of what we are thinking in relation to psychotherapy now, in the past and into the future. It’s lovely that so many people have wanted to contribute to creating that piece of history over the years.

The Irish Association of Humanistic
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