We were shocked and saddened by the unexpected death of Micheal O’Regan, Director of Eckhardt House, just as we were going to press. We would like to express our sympathy to his family and associates and we hope to publish a tribute to his life and work in our next edition.
The subject of food and psychotherapy is very extensive and covers a wide range of psychotherapeutic issues and, of course, we cannot in one issue cover them all. Perhaps the most pressing areas are those of eating disorders, sadly, on the increase and a large part of this issue is devoted to them. However, since food is a continuing emotive and experiential aspect of our whole lives from our first feed of milk to our last meal on this earth, we have also included articles of a much more general appeal. In seemed natural for example, to follow the contribution on Melanie Klein, with the practical experiences of a mother trying to nourish and nurture her six year-old, and the touching account of a young woman simultaneously breast feeding her young baby and spoon feeding her elderly mother. The editors hope to return to the subject of therapy and food at a later date.
Meanwhile details of some self-help groups may be useful for our readers:
SHINE Self-Help in Normal Eating for sufferers of Anorexia & Bulimia Nervosa. Contact: Tara McKenna Telephone: 021-395656
BODYWHYS, Contact: Helen McDaid PO Box 105, Blackrock. Co. Dublin
OverEaters Anonymous: Tel.: 01 4515138
INEDA Irish National Eating Disorder Association, Tel: 497566
Our Winter Issue will be concerned with Therapy and Loneliness. We welcome any contributions on this subject and would also like to hear from you if you have attended an interesting or unusual workshop, or read a book which you would like to review for us. All such contributions will be considered for publication by the Editorial Committee. The issue will also contain our regular feature on Training Courses.