The inner journey
The inner journey is a winding one.
No clearcut paths here, no way stations,
Nothing to tell you you’ve arrived.
Just one foot in front of the other,
One breath, and one, and one more.
One sorrow, one love, one grief, one joy,
Lived and gone - present, past and we move on,
Not a line, but ever deeper spirals.
Here, and here again, but it’s different.
Lean into the pain this time:
Let it carry you through,
Let it change you.
Surrender to it,
To the inner journey of becoming you. In the end that’s all there is.
Margaret Brady, MIAHIP is a psychotherapist, spiritual companion and workshop facilitator based in Dublin 6. For more information see www. margaretbrady.ie
IAHIP 2022 - INSIDE OUT 96 - Spring 2022